February 24, 2014

Chinese Single-Character Word Database

Chinese Single-character Word Database

Search parameters (required) Specifiers (optional; to access click corresponding checkbox on left)
Grammatical Category (Tag)
Word Frequency (WF)
Homophone Density (HD)
Phonological Frequency (PF)
Cumulative Frequency (CF)
Number of Components (NC)
Number of Strokes (NS)
Number of Word Formations (NWF)
Age of Learning (AoL)
Number of Meanings (NM)
Usability of Phonetic Radical (REG)
Age of Acquisition (AoA)
Concreteness (CON)
Familiarity (FAM)
Imageability (IMG)


  • Dr. Ping Li: BLC Lab Director
  • Dr. Xiaowei Zhao: Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • Dr. Youyi Liu: Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • Seth Levine: Database Interface Designer/Lab Assistant

The interactive database created by the School of Psychology at the University of Western Australia provided the basic template for our database’s layout.