April 29, 2016

Friederike Seyfried

Friederike Seyfried

Postdoctoral Scholar
 Office: FG815a, 8/F, FG Core
Phone: +3400 8550
E-Mail:  friederike.seyfried@gmail.com
Curriculum Vitae: PDF

Research Interests

I have been interested in the neural implementation of language in the brain since I started to study cognitive neuroscience. Language is a uniquely human skill and its neural substrate therefore is particularly fascinating.  I use fMRI to study different aspects of language such as phonology and syntax but recently I have focused on conceptual representation which I studied using representational similarity analysis (RSA). Apart from univariate analysis methods for fMRI data, many new methods have been developed in the recent years and the field of language neuroscience has moved towards the study of texts and narratives instead of isolated words. It is my goal to continuously expand my knowledge of both state of the art fMRI data analysis techniques and how they can be used to answer questions about how the human brain processes natural language.

Recent Publications