May 2022

Ping Li and colleagues published a paper “From eye movements to scanpath networks: A method for studying individual differences in expository text reading” in Behavior Research Methods.

January 2022

Ping Li has been elected by the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) as an AAAS Fellow. This is to recognize “his distinguished contributions to the cognitive neuroscience and computational modeling of bilingualism and the bilingual brain”.

December 2021

Ping Li and colleagues published a paper “Science reading and self-regulated learning: Evidence from eye movements of middle-school readers” in The Journal of Educational Research.

September 2021

The BLC Lab exhibited the VR Kitchen project in the summer camp of intelligent medicine. The summer camp was held by the Shenzhen Science Technology Association, the Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital. For related media coverage in Chinese, please click the link.

August 2021

Ping Li and Colleague published a paper “Digital language learning (DLL): Insights from behavior, cognition, and the brain.” in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Eleven field experts commented on this Keynote Article, and “Understanding the interaction between technology and the learner: the case of DLL” is the Response to Commentaries.

MARCH 2021

The Brain Science and Language Technology Laboratory at the PolyU Shenzhen Base is an innovation platform for the PolyU’s Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.